Dear visitor, since
about 45 years the company exists as a plant nursery in Germany-48249
Dülmen-Hiddingsel, a rural area of the region Münsterland. At the moment the range of rootstock varieties demanded by our customers is propagated on about 95 acres of good sandy soil suitable for seedling and layer bed production. We are a member of the CDB, - "Consortium deutscher Baumschulen", owner of the license of the Gießen clonal series "GiSelAR 3, 5 u. 6", and the pear rootstock "PyrodwarfR". Turn our offer to your profit by using the diversity of our production range from one grower on one location. Our production is monitored and regularly retested (AGOZ-Scheme) by the Federal Department of Plant Protection of Nordrhein Westfalen in cooperation with the Institut for Fruit-Tree-Production at the University of Bonn! The production meet the requirements of AGOZ-Scheme of Certification (Anbaumaterialverordnung für Gemüse, Obst und Zierpflanzen) The rootstocks for the purpose of fruit-tree-production are certified in accordance to the EPPO-Scheme. According to the Scheme a plant pass accompanies the shipment as letter of accreditation. All production grounds are free of nematode contamination. About 30% of the shippments goes to foreig countries or overseas. Transport is handelt as on-time-shippment by ourselves or with reliable carriers. As a "not-yet-customer" try the reliability of our products an efficiency of the company regarding quality of plants, grading, communication and handling of shippment. In case of questions regarding the use or application of the range of the clonals, don´t hesitate to contact us. We will be thankfull for early ordering or inquiry. Get in contact with us personally, by choosing fax or internet. We will be able fo a complete supply. Subsequent yuo will find our range of production showing our grading scheme. According to your application we will responsive to your needs! Your LODDER-ROOTSTOCKS Ldt. Team